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Monsters Under My Bed

If there’s one thing we can all relate to, it’s the feeling of monsters lurking just beneath the surface of our daily lives.
Whether it’s the fear of rejection, the anxiety of the unknown, or the deep-seated terror of a truly terrible ex, these monsters can take on many forms and haunt us at all hours of the day and night.
By the way, Monstes Under My Bed is now available on all streaming services.

And that’s precisely what “Monsters Under My Bed” captures so perfectly.
With its hauntingly beautiful melody and poetic lyrics, this song is a true masterpiece of musical storytelling.

About the lyrics

From the very first verse, we’re pulled into a world of midnight musings and sleepless nights.
The singer’s eyes won’t close, and she can feel the claws of her fears and doubts reaching out from the darkness.
It’s a chilling and relatable image that sets the stage for the rest of the song.

But it’s not just the imagery that makes “Monsters Under My Bed” so compelling.
It’s also the singer’s raw vulnerability and honesty.
She’s not afraid to admit that she wants love and validation, but she’s also keenly aware of her insecurities and how they might drive people away.

And yet, despite all of this, she still welcomes the monsters into her head.
She turns off the lights and embraces the darkness, knowing that it’s the only way to face her fears and confront the monsters that have been holding her back.

It’s a powerful message, and one that we could all stand to remember in our lives. Because let’s face it, we all have monsters under our beds.
We all have fears and doubts and insecurities that keep us up at night. But if we can learn to face those monsters head-on, to welcome them into our hearts and minds with open arms, then maybe we can start to find a way forward.

So if you’re feeling lost or alone or scared, take a page out of the singer’s book.
Turn off the lights, embrace the monsters, and know that it’ll all be okay in the end.
After all, as the song reminds us, “these are the monsters under my bed…turn off the lights, it’ll be okay.”

Lyrics: Monsters Under My Bed

[Verse 1]
Midnight, ma-ma-my eyes won’t close but
Sleep tight, as all these claws reach from my

Bedside, ca-can’t you see it’s cuz you
Declined, my love

Yes I want you to love me
Or just even like me
But I can tell how it’s going to end

Someone like you wouldn’t love me
I think you’re above me
It’s in my head

These are the monsters under my bed
Don’t tell a word they will be afraid
Welcome the monsters deep in my head
Turn off the lights it’ll be okay

[Verse 2]
Moonlight, wo-wonder how could I be
Alright, when you decide to be such a

Lowlife, I knew your type just right from the start
Oh you’re the type who ain’t got a heart

And I want you to love me
Or just even like me
But I can tell how it’s going to end

Someone like you wouldn’t love me
I think you’re above me
It’s in my head

These are the monsters under my bed
Don’t tell a word they will be afraid
Welcome the monsters deep in my head
Turn off the lights it’ll be okay

These are the monsters under my bed
Don’t tell a word they will be afraid
Welcome the monsters deep in my head
Turn off the lights it’ll be okay

Monstes Under My Bed is available on all streaming services

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